
  • कनिष्ठ लेखापाल संवर्गातील सरळसेवेच्या रिक्त पदाच्या भरतीची नाशिक विभागाची जाहिरात यासाठी लिंक :

  • महत्वाची सूचना : सहसंचालक कार्यालय, लेखा व कोषागारे, नाशिक विभाग, नाशिक या कार्यालयाकडील हा ईमेल आयडी प्रशासकीय कारणास्तव बंद झालेला असुन त्याऐवजी भरतीप्रक्रियेच्या अनुषंगाने संपर्क साधण्यासाठी या ईमेल आयडीवर संपर्क साधण्यात यावा.

    Home > Vigilance Branch
    Vigilance Branch PDF Print E-mail

    The Vigilance Branch of the Directorate is entrusted with the following work  :-

    1. Watching Progress of reconciliation of expenditure through periodical returns in form ‘B’ expected to be furnished by the Controlling Officers under Government Circular, Finance Department No. VGL-1057five-2, Dated 26th November, 1957 read with Government Circular, Finance Department No. VGL-1269/five -2, dated 1st June, 1959.
    2. Watching progress of cases of misappropriation of Government Monies and Losses of Property through quarterly returns in form ‘C’ expected to be furnished by the Head of Department under Government Circular, Finance Department, No. DAT-1265/3793/65-XII, dated 20th August, 1965.
    3. Watching progress of submission of wanting Utilization Certificates to the Audit Offices in respect of Grants-In-Aid.
    4. Watching the Progress of Pension Cases in respect of Non Gazetted Government Servants, through quarterly ‘A’ and bimonthly ‘B’ returns expected to be furnished by the Pension sanctioning authorities under Government Circular, Finance Department No. VBGP-1059/Five-1, dated 15th June, 1959 read with Government Circular, Finance Department, No. PEN-1767/3511/68/X, dated 10th March, 1969. The period of submission of returns ‘A’ & ‘B’ is yearly and quarterly respectively as specified under Government Circular Finance Department No. PEN- 1090/33/SER-4, dated 8th March 1990. These returns cover information regarding pension cases of Gazetted Government Officers also.

    The Vigilance Branch keeps a watch through periodical returns submitted by the concerned  authorities and renders guidance to them, but the effectiveness of these branch depends to a considerable extent, upon the degree of response forthcoming from the concerned departmental authorities.

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