Store Verification Organisation Print

The Store Verification Organization was established under the Government Resolution in Finance Department No.9281/33, dated 16th October, 1952. This Organization was created on recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee made in its report on Appropriation Accounts for the Year 1944-1945. Originally it was a part of the Finance Department having separate identity. The Stores Verification Organization was brought under the administrative control of the Directorate of Accounts & Treasuries established on 1st January, 1962. Under Government Resolution, Finance Department, no. DAT-1064/584/C-12, dated 1st February, 1965, a separate Maharashtra Finance & Accounts Service was created with effect from 1st February, 1965. The posts of Stores Verification Officer and Stores Inspector were included in the Maharashtra Finance & Accounts Group -B & Group – B (Non Gazetted) Cadres respectively.

The main function of the Stores Verification Organization is to reconcile the actual available stores and stocks balances of various Government Offices with their book balances. It is also seen whether the actual stock resembles the description of the Stock taken to the register. It is also verified whether the quantum of various stocks / items used is in excess of the requirement, as also whether the losses / shortages shown are correct and reasonable. Purchase procedure of Stocks and Stores as also their necessity to purchase in verified by this organization. Various suggestions for using the extra available perishable stocks not required for immediate use by transferring the same to other stores (where necessary) are also made. In short, best possible and effective use of stores and stocks is ensured by this organization.

The stores are classified as follows. This Classification has come into force from 1st April, 1982.

‘A’ Class (Large Stores) Having Stocks worth Rs. Five Lakh or more
‘B’ Class ( Medium Stores) Having Stocks worth Rs. One Lakh or more  but less than Rs. Five Lakh
‘C’ Class (Small Stores) Having Stocks below Rs. One Lakh

The Periodical verification of Stores depends upon the above Classification as shown below :

Type of Stores Period
‘A’ Class Once in Three Years
‘B’ & ‘C’ Class Once in Five Years

Specific norms for completing verification of a particular type of stores have not been laid down. The requirement of man days for verification of various types of stores has not been fixed. It depends upon the sized of stocks and time taken for completion of Store verification of such store last time.

This organization is under overall control of the Director of Accounts & Treasuries. The verification of Store situated in Mumbai is being supervised by the Joint / Deputy Director of Accounts & Treasuries, Konkan Region. In other Revenue Divisions this work is being supervised by the Regional Joint / Deputy Director of Accounts & Treasuries.

The work of organizing tours to various Government Offices and to supervise proper execution, is being done by Store Verification Officer of each Division. The training advance, tour Programme of this officer as well as that of this subordinates is approved by the Regional Joint / Deputy Director of Accounts & Treasuries.

The report of the Stores Verification unit is sent to the concerned office as well as its administrative department by the Stores Verification.

Annual Administrative Report – on the basis of information received from regional offices an administrative report is compiled and consolidated annually. This Report is submitted to the Government, with a copy to the Accountant General – I, Mumbai & Accountant General – II, Nagpur respectively. A copy of the said Administrative Report is also sent to the Secretary Legislative Assembly. This report contains details of grave and serious lapses which come to light during inspections.