
  • कनिष्ठ लेखापाल संवर्गातील सरळसेवेच्या रिक्त पदाच्या भरतीची नाशिक विभागाची जाहिरात यासाठी लिंक :

  • महत्वाची सूचना : सहसंचालक कार्यालय, लेखा व कोषागारे, नाशिक विभाग, नाशिक या कार्यालयाकडील हा ईमेल आयडी प्रशासकीय कारणास्तव बंद झालेला असुन त्याऐवजी भरतीप्रक्रियेच्या अनुषंगाने संपर्क साधण्यासाठी या ईमेल आयडीवर संपर्क साधण्यात यावा.

    Home > MIS REPORT

    Form Code MD0302

    Monthly abstract of the inspection Report on working in Treasuries for the Month of January 2025

    Sr. No. District Name Total PLA PLAs not activated in more than 1 years Active PLAs
    Type of PLA Total No.of PLA Total Balance Amount No.of PLA Balance Amount No.of PLA Balance Amount
    1 Thane Education PLA 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Personal Deposit PLA 36 5097858115 0 0 36 5097858115
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 18 322339870 0 0 18 322339870
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 18 2137974025 0 0 18 2137974025
    ALT PLA 7 23717047 0 0 7 23717047
    Total 79 7581889057 0 0 79 7581889057
    2 Raigad Education PLA 3 6324839 0 0 3 6324839
    Personal Deposit PLA 40 11527607095 2 2198368 38 11525408727
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 19 2989288042 0 0 19 2989288042
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 15 547642016 0 0 15 547642016
    ALT PLA 14 25948227 0 0 14 25948227
    Total 91 15096810219 2 2198368 89 15094611851
    3 Ratnagiri Education PLA 2 30574710 0 0 2 30574710
    Personal Deposit PLA 30 1665828506 0 0 30 1665828506
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 12 26205130 0 0 12 26205130
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 11 46578387 0 0 11 46578387
    ALT PLA 9 1913190 0 0 9 1913190
    Total 64 1771099923 0 0 64 1771099923
    4 Sindhudurg Education PLA 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Personal Deposit PLA 21 1079619786 0 0 21 1079619786
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 9 2061018 0 0 9 2061018
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 9 25142441 0 0 9 25142441
    ALT PLA 7 2571324 0 0 7 2571324
    Total 46 1109394569 0 0 46 1109394569
    5 Palghar Education PLA 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Personal Deposit PLA 10 1160987724 0 0 10 1160987724
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 9 65271683 0 0 9 65271683
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 9 580521690 0 0 9 580521690
    ALT PLA 7 22162178 0 0 7 22162178
    Total 35 1828943275 0 0 35 1828943275
    6 Pune Education PLA 3 90298579 0 0 3 90298579
    Personal Deposit PLA 95 5040936395 28 242426109 67 4798510286
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 22 531186185 0 0 22 531186185
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 36 1253786465 0 0 36 1253786465
    ALT PLA 15 5040 0 0 15 5040
    Total 171 6916212664 28 242426109 143 6673786555
    7 Satara Education PLA 1 16491671 0 0 1 16491671
    Personal Deposit PLA 37 4870234830 0 0 37 4870234830
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 20 262729488 0 0 20 262729488
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 17 174542657 1 0 16 174542657
    ALT PLA 13 5721021 3 970770 10 4750251
    Total 88 5329719667 4 970770 84 5328748897
    8 Sangli Education PLA 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Personal Deposit PLA 39 1743514656 2 3569191 37 1739945465
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 16 34050236 0 0 16 34050236
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 14 8619688 0 0 14 86196808
    ALT PLA 8 7845138 0 0 8 7845138
    Total 77 1794029718 2 3569191 75 1868037647
    9 Solapur Education PLA 2 39958346 0 0 2 39958346
    Personal Deposit PLA 36 2674684454 1 145660 35 2674538794
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 19 268068020 0 0 19 268068020
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 18 171995974 0 0 18 171995974
    ALT PLA 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Total 75 3154706794 1 145660 74 3154561134
    10 Kolhapur Education PLA 3 68605182 0 0 3 68605182
    Personal Deposit PLA 37 2395827355 0 0 37 2388943289
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 21 40466941 0 0 21 40466941
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 19 128795851 0 0 19 128795851
    ALT PLA 8 6884066 0 0 8 6884066
    Total 88 2640579395 0 0 88 2633695329
    11 Jalgaon Education PLA 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Personal Deposit PLA 37 806343373 0 0 37 806343373
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 21 127003419 0 0 21 127003419
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 23 72857269 0 0 23 72857269
    ALT PLA 13 3964303 0 0 13 3964303
    Total 94 1010168364 0 0 94 1010168364
    12 Aurangabad Education PLA 13 52224397 0 0 13 52224397
    Personal Deposit PLA 34 6379786922 0 0 34 6379786922
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 12 335530017 0 0 12 33553007
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 12 146622625 0 0 12 146622625
    ALT PLA 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Total 71 6914163961 0 0 71 6612186951
    13 Nanded Education PLA 20 202396530 0 0 20 202396530
    Personal Deposit PLA 35 3947149672 0 0 35 3947149672
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 23 135073633 0 0 23 135073633
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 20 56938438 0 0 20 56938438
    ALT PLA 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Total 98 4341558273 0 0 98 4341558273
    14 Osmanabad Education PLA 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Personal Deposit PLA 28 3402519567 0 0 28 3402519567
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 21 193675358 0 0 16 193675358
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 12 41884652 0 0 12 41884652
    ALT PLA 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Total 61 3638079577 0 0 56 3638079577
    15 Hingoli Education PLA 8 17083512 1 633259 7 16450253
    Personal Deposit PLA 15 341710274 6 20168044 9 321542230
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 9 3182901 0 0 9 3182901
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 7 14737323 0 0 7 14737323
    ALT PLA 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Total 39 376714010 7 20801303 32 355912707
    16 Nagpur Education PLA 3 62868717 0 0 3 62868717
    Personal Deposit PLA 66 10782529276 0 0 66 10782529276
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 19 357166355 0 0 19 357166355
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 29 835903820 0 0 29 835903820
    ALT PLA 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Total 117 12038468168 0 0 117 12038468168
    17 Gadchiroli Education PLA 17 26649704 0 0 17 26649704
    Personal Deposit PLA 25 168964669 0 0 25 168964669
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 6 8137821 0 0 6 8137821
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 9 17371310 0 0 9 17371310
    ALT PLA 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Total 57 221123504 0 0 57 221123504
    Grand Total Education PLA 75 613476187 1 633259 74 612842928
    Personal Deposit PLA 621 63086102669 39 268507372 582 62810711231
    Civil Court Deposit PLA 276 5701436117 0 0 271 5399459107
    Criminal Court Deposit PLA 278 6261914631 1 0 277 6339491751
    ALT PLA 101 100731534 3 970770 98 99760764
    Total 1351 75763661138 44 270111401 1302 75262265781
    Data Entry Remaining for Districts :--
    • Nashik
    • Dhule
    • Ahmednagar
    • Nandurbar
    • Parbhani
    • Beed
    • Jalna
    • Latur
    • Amravati
    • Akola
    • Buldhana
    • Yavatmal
    • Washim
    • Bhandara
    • Gondia
    • Chandrapur
    • Wardha
    • PAO
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