Recruitment Rules |
Recruitment Rules
- Group ‘C’ and Junior Accountant, Group ‘C’, in the office of the Directorate of Accounts and Treasuries (Recruitment) Rules, 2024.

- Revised Govt. of maharshtra Gazette related to Class 3 Recruitment Rules Dt. 11.12.2018

- दिव्यांग व्यक्ती हक्क अधिनियम, 2016 पदे सुनिश्चित करणेबाबत

- List of Accounts clerk Aurangabd Region 3rd list

- List of Audit clerk Aurangabd Region 3rd list

- List of Jr auditor Aurangabd Region 3rd list

- List of t Jr account Aurangabd Region 3rd list

- List of Audit Cleark Nashik Region 3rd List

- List of Account Cleark Nashik Region 3rd List

- लेखा व कोषागारे गट- क सेवा (सेवाप्रवेश ) २००८

- List of Audit Clerk candidate Konkan Region 3rd List

- List of Accounts clerk candidate Konkan Region 3rd List

- List of Jr. accountant candidate Konkan Region 3rd List

- List of Jr. Auditor candidate Konkan Region 3rd List

- List of Jr. Auditor candidate Nashik Region 3rd List

- List of_Audit Clerk_candidate Pune Region_3rd List

- List of Accounts clerk candidate Pune Region 3rd List

- List of Junior Auditor candidate Pune Region 3rd List

- List of Account clerk Amravati Region 3rd List

- List of Junior Accountant Amravati Region 3rd List

- List of JR Auditor Amravati Region 3rd List

- 2nd march 2009 decission

- सेवाप्रवेश नियम अधिसूचना दि.13.9.2012

- List of Jr Auditor candidates Nagpur Region 3rd list

- List of Account clerk candidates Nagpur Region 3rd list

- List of Account clerk candidates Nagpur Region 2nd list

- List of Audit clerk candidates Nagpur Region 2nd list

- List of Account clerk candidates Nashik Region 2nd list

- List of Audit clerk candidates Nashik Region 2nd list

- List of Jr. Auditor candidates Nashik Region 2nd list

- List of Account clerk candidates Amravati Region 2nd list

- List of Jr. Auditor candidates Amravati Region 2nd list

- List of Jr. Auditor candidates Nagpur Region 2nd list

- List of Jr. Accountant candidates Amravati Region 2nd list

- List of Account clerk candidates Konkan Region 2nd list

- List of Audit clerk cadidates Konkan Region 2nd list

- List of Jr. Accountant candidates Konkan Region 2nd list

- List of Jr. Auditor candidates Konkan Region 2nd list

- List of Account clerk candidates Aurangabad Region 2nd list

- List of Audit clerk cadidates Aurangabad Region 2nd list

- List of Jr. Accountant candidates Aurangabad Region 2nd list

- List of Jr. Auditor candidates Aurangabad Region 2nd list

- List of Account clerk candidates Pune Region 2nd list

- List of Audit clerk cadidates Pune Region 2nd list

- List of Jr. Auditor candidates Pune Region 2nd list

- Corrected List of Accounts clerk Candidates Konkan Region

- List of Jr. Accountant candidates Konkan Region

- List of Jr. Auditor candidates Aurangabad Region

- List of Account Clerk candidates Nagpur Region

- List of Audit Clerk candidates Nagpur Region

- List of Account clerk candidates Konkan Region

- List of Audit clerk cadidates Konkan Region

- List of Jr. Auditor candidates Konkan Region

- List of Jr. Auditor candidates Nagpur Region

- List of Account clerk candidates Nashik Region

- List of Audit clerk candidates Nashik Region

- List of Jr. Auditor candidates Nashik Region

- List of Account clerk candidates Aurangabad Region

- List of Audit clerk cadidates Aurangabad Region

- List of Jr. Accountant candidates Aurangabad Region

- List of Account clerk candidates Pune Region

- List of Audit clerk candidates Pune Region

- List of Jr. Auditor candidates Pune Region

- List of Account clerk candidates Amravati Region

- List of Audit clerk cadidates Amravati Region

- List of Jr. Accountant candidates Amravati Region

- List of Jr. Auditor candidates Amravati Region

- Notice for candidates

- सरळसेवेने लेखा लिपिक व कनिष्ठ लेखापालाची पदे भरण्याबाबतची संक्षिप्त जाहिरात संकेतस्थळावर प्रसिध्द करणेबाबत.

- महाराष्ट्र वित्त व लेखा सेवा प्रवेश नियम पदोन्नतीने पदे भरण्याबाबत

- मविलेसे गट ब (अराप) नियुक्ती नियम दि.17.01.1996 (780 KB)

- Recruitment Rules (2170 KB)

- Govt. of Maharashtra Gazette-English (975KB)

- Govt. of Maharashtra Gazette-Marathi(975KB)

- Revised Recruitment Rules-English(872KB)

- Revised Recruitment Rules-Marathi(822KB)