
  • कनिष्ठ लेखापाल संवर्गातील सरळसेवेच्या रिक्त पदाच्या भरतीची नाशिक विभागाची जाहिरात यासाठी लिंक :

  • महत्वाची सूचना : सहसंचालक कार्यालय, लेखा व कोषागारे, नाशिक विभाग, नाशिक या कार्यालयाकडील हा ईमेल आयडी प्रशासकीय कारणास्तव बंद झालेला असुन त्याऐवजी भरतीप्रक्रियेच्या अनुषंगाने संपर्क साधण्यासाठी या ईमेल आयडीवर संपर्क साधण्यात यावा.

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    Candidate List and Circulars 2022

    Result 2022

    Examination 2022

    Examination 2021


    Candidates List and Circular

    Time Table

    Sr.No.Name of ExaminationExam Date
    1. MALFA(Maharashtra Accounts and Local Fund Accounts Class III Service Departmental Exam) -
    2. Maharashtra Finance and Accounts services Class III Exam

    MALFA (Maharashtra Accounts and Local Fund Accounts Class III Service Departmental Exam) is conducted by the Directorate of Accounts & Treasuries once in a year in the month of Oct/Nov.

    Details of work :-

    • Drafting circulars for the exam.
    • Prepare list of eligible candidates.
    • Deciding exam center.
    • Preparing exam time table and informing the same to all the departments/divisions.
    • Appointing exam question paper setters. After receiving the question papers sending the same to Government Printing Press at Charni Road, Mumbai. Follow up to receive the same in time.
    • Contacting all the divisions and distributing answer sheets/supplements and sealed question papers according to their demands (i.e. according to the number of candidates appearing for the exam from their division).
    • After receiving the answer sheets from all divisions, allotting codes to the answer sheets and slips thereof.
    • After allotting code numbers to the answer sheets, disbursing the sealed answer sheets to the examiners referred by the Director for assessing the same.
    • After receiving the answer sheets along with the mark sheets, preparing the result of the same.
    • After the result of the exam is announced, convey the marks of unsuccessful candidates to them through their respective offices.
    • Revaluating the marks of the unsuccessful candidates as per their revaluation applications and intimate the same to them.

    Maharashtra Finance and Accounts services Class III Exam is conducted by Maharashtra Public Service Commission twice in a year in the month of April/May and October/November.

    Details of work :--

    • Scrutiny of the applications received within prescribed time as per the norms of exams of MPSC.
    • Preparing a list of the eligible candidates and forwarding the same to MPSC within prescribed time.
    • To convey the instructions received from MPSC (regarding exam time table, hall tickets, exam rules) to the eligible candidates through their respective heads of departments.
    • After the exam results are announced, take a note of the successful candidates in the register maintained for the purpose.
    • Convey the marks of unsuccessful candidates to them through their respective offices.
    • After receiving the applications for revaluation with requisite fees within prescribed time, prepare a list of the same and forward it to MPSC. After receiving the revaluation results convey the same to the candidates through their respective offices.
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