Circulars and Orders (2012)
MFAS Class III New Appointment (239 KB)
MFAS Class III Assured Progress Scheme (174 KB)
Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in Public Administration (1813 KB)
Nomination Form (in English) (46 KB)
Pension Checklist (in English Marathi) (366 KB)
Ashwasit Pragati Yojna Labh 1 (in Marathi) (935 KB)
Ashwasit Pragati Yojna Labh 2 (in Marathi) (382 KB)
Ashwasit Pragati Yojna Labh 2 Shudhipatrak (in Marathi) (134 KB)
Accepting Cash Receipts in Treasuries/Subtreasuries Against Stamps Below Rs. 300/- (223 kB)
Special Instruction for Physically Handicap Employees (82 kB)
Format of Confidential Report (1.02 MB)
Corrigendum DAT 2009/Case No./276 Kosha Prasha-2 (551 KB)
Rajya Sabha Secretariat Dated 17-10-2012 (631 KB)
Medical Reimbursment Circular Dated 07-08-2012 (242 KB)
To Fill Post of Assistant Account Officer in Office of the Commissioner Government of Maharashtra and Maharashtra Parichay Center,New Delhi Dated 24-07-2012 (158 KB)
GR Date 30.04.2012 Regarding Diploma in Local Govt.Financial Management Dated 19-06-2012 (354 KB)
Increment will stop if CR is not Submitted within Time Limit Dated 13.06.2012 (162 KB)
Marathi Bhasha Circular Dated 12-06-2012 (317 KB)
Anukampa Seniority of Class IV Dated 23.05.2012 (136 KB)
Circular About Submission of Confidential Report of Year 2011-2012 Dated 22-05-2012 (101 KB)
Corrigendum (Revised) Maharashtra Accounts and Local Fund Accounts Group C Examination Circular Dated 04-04-2012 (792 KB)
Koshagar Nirikshan Prashnavali Dated 01-04-2012 (574 KB)
PRT Exam Circular for Old Candidate Dated 19-03-2012 (727 KB)
Maharashtra Accounts and Local Fund Accounts Group C Examination Circular Dated 19-03-2012 (1.61 MB)
MFAS Class III Ranking No June 2009 Dated 09-03-2012 (0.98 MB)
Vehicle Advance Approval for Year 2011-2012 Dated 15-02-2012 (1.19 MB)
Housing Advance Approval for Year 2011-2012 Dated 14-02-2012 (1.36 MB)
MFAS Officers Transfer Circular 2012 Dated 21-01-2012 (544 KB)
Personal Computer Purchase Advance Dated 13-01-2012 (823 KB)
MFAS Class III Ranking No. November 2008 Dated 07-01-2012 (1.20 M)
MFAS Class II Non Gazeted Final Seniority List Dated 01-01-2012 (154 KB)
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